

  • 学校地址:浙江杭州临安环城北路88号
  • 学校电话:0571-63730908
  • 学校性质:公办
  • 学校简介:浙江林学院创建于1958年,是浙江省属全日制本科院校,坐落于杭州西郊全国优秀旅游城市临安...
  • 教学规模:1分
  • 周边环境:1分
  • 收费合理:1分
  • 教学设备:1分
  • 教学质量:1分
  • 师资力量:3分
  • 校园环境:2分
  • 社会影响:2分
  • 校园食堂:2分


浙江林学院创建于1958年,是浙江省属全日制本科院校,坐落于杭州西郊全国优秀旅游城市临安市。经过52年的建设与发展,学校现已成为一所涵盖理、工、文、管、农、经、法、医等八大学科门类的多科性大学。校园占地面积2700亩,校舍建筑面积60余万平方米,是“一个读书做学问的好地方”。学校近十年的发展被誉为“浙江省高等教育跨越式发展的一个典型缩影”。 学校现有51个本科专业,其中国家级特色本科专业4个,省级重点专业3个,省级重点建设专业9个。设有农业与食品科学学院、林业与生物技术学院、环境科技学院、工程学院、园林学院、经济管理学院、人文学院、信息工程学院、外国语学院、旅游与健康学院、茶文化学院、理学院、艺术设计学院、国际教育学院、继续教育学院(林业干部管理学院)、体育军训部等16个教学单位,还举办1个独立学院——天目学院。学校拥有一级学科硕士学位授权点1个,二级学科硕士学位授权点15个,农业推广硕士专业学位授予领域2个。具有外国留学生和港澳台学生招生权。 学校现有教职工1570余人,其中专任教师970余人。拥有共享院士2人、国家级“新世纪百千万人才”1人、省有突出贡献中青年专家1人,省政府特聘教授2人、省“151”人才工程培养计划70人,省高校中青年学科带头人19人;全国优秀教师、全国师德先进个人、省教学名师、省优秀教师、省教坛新秀等12人,享受政府特殊津贴教师10人,兼职博士生导师19人。 学校面向全国24个省(市、自治区)招生,现有全日制在校本科生19000余人、研究生1000余人。获国家教学成果奖二等奖1项,全国“挑战杯”竞赛一等奖2项。毕业生具有“肯干、实干、能干”的品质,近年来,本科毕业生初次就业率名列浙江省前茅。2007年学校以优秀成绩通过教育部本科教学工作水平评估。 学校现有省级重中之重学科2个,省部级重点学科10个,国家工程技术研究中心1个,省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地1个,教育部重点实验室1个,省级重大科技创新服务平台2个,省部级重点实验室3个,省级基础实验教学示范中心2个。近5年,学校承担科研课题2300余项,科研成果获国家级奖3项、省部级奖37项,其中国家技术发明奖二等奖1项,国家科技进步奖二等奖1项,连续3年获省科学技术奖一等奖。一批科研成果转化后取得显著的经济和社会效益。 学校积极开展国际交流与合作,已与美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、瑞典等10多个国家的近40所大学建立了校际协作关系,开展学术交流、联合办学、科学研究等活动。 学校精神文明建设成效显著,先后获全国绿化模范单位、浙江省平安校园、浙江省高校心理健康教育示范单位等荣誉称号。2005级学生刘霆获“全国道德模范”称号。 目前,学校正深入贯彻落实科学发展观,全面贯彻党的教育方针,朝建设国内知名、特色鲜明的多科性教学研究型大学目标前进。 Founded in 1958, Zhejiang Forestry University (ZFU) is a comprehensive university directly under the auspices of Zhejiang Province offering bachelor and master degrees in agriculture, technology, science, literature, management, law, economics, medicine, etc. and enrolling international students. The presiding president is Professor Zhou Guomo.ZFU, located in Lin’an City (west of the popular tourist destination Hangzhou) has Yijin and East Lake campuses covering nearly 167 hectares with 550,000 square meters of building space. Its modern buildings and facilities in a setting of great natural beauty, surrounded by mountains and water, make ZFU a most suitable place for learning, teaching, and conducting research. The campus combined with the botanical garden comprise an ecological environment with functions of teaching, scientific research, and biodiversity conservation.ZFU has 16 teaching schools, colleges and division: School of Agriculture and Food Science, School of Forestry and Biotechnology, School of Environmental Science and Technology, School of Engineering, School of Landscape Architecture, School of Economics and Management, School of Humanities, School of Information and Engineering, School of Foreign Languages, School of Tourism and Health, School of Tea Culture, School of Science, School of Art Design, International College, Continuing Education College and Division of Physical & Military Training. It has 50 undergraduate majors, among them 2 national characteristic major and 8 key provincial major. ZFU also has national excellent subjects, 11 provincial excellentsubjects and 1 Provincial Experimental Teaching Demonstrate Center. It is authorized to award 1 first-class master’s degree in forestry engineering and 15 second-class master's degrees in science, technology, literature, management, agriculture, law etc. ZFU boasts a 1,500 strong team of staff and faculty, of which 900 are teachers, two are shared academicians, one is elected among the national new century talent pool, two are professors specially engaged by the provincial government, 54 are included in the 151 talent-cultivating program, 18 are discipline leading teachers among the province-wide universities, 195 are qualified to tutor graduates, more than 40 are provincial outstanding teachers, 1 is entitled as prominent teacher in term of professional ethics by the state.In addition to one provincial discipline of utmost importance, seven key disciplines at the provincial level, and eight disciplines with qualification to accredit assistant professorship, there are also highly developed research institutes, such as a Forest-breeding Center of the State Forestry Administration, a provincial key lab, an engineering center, and two provincial key Science and Technology Innovation Service Platforms. In the past five years, about 1,527 projects have been carried out at the university. Research funding has reached 194 million RMB, with more than 25 projects receiving national and provincial awards. Among them, Production Technology and Application of Sliced Bamboo Veneer won Second Prize for the National Technology Invention Award in 2007. In addition, ZFU also won Second Prize for the National Technology Progress Award as a key participant in another project. Moreover, ZFU has won First Prize for Science and Technology Awards at the provincial level for three consecutive years. Up to now, among the 2,426 academic articles published, 170 pieces have been collected by three search systems, such as SCI, EI, and ISTP. The Journal of Zhejiang Forestry University has been included in the elite group of journals in Zhejiang Province with its impact factor exceeding 1.0. In addition to all the above, a series of research results, after being put into practice, have had tremendous economic and social effects.ZFU recruits students from 24 provinces, municipality and autonomous region. At present, ZFU has 18,000 full-time students. ZFU makes persistent and unswerving efforts to produce well-informed, highly-capable, well-cultivated and innovation-minded practical students. Graduates of ZFU are well received for their diligence, devotion and capability. The first employment rate of undergraduate students is always more than 90% and in the forefront of Zhejiang universities. In 2008, Education Ministry formally evaluated ZFU as outstanding in term of teaching. ZFU promotes international exchange and co-operation and has built up collaborative and academic relationships with 30 universities and academic institutes in more than 10 countries and regions, such as the USA and Canada. ZFU has also built up sound ties with West Sydney University (Australia) and Alberta University (Canada) in joint education programs. Now 43 foreign experts together with 50 foreign language teachers are teaching and researching in ZFU on a long-term basis.At present, the uiversity is striding on its way to build an ecologic university with the development strategy of “Educating Students with an Ecological Philosophy and Strengthening the University by the Spirit of Innovation”


