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painted area



1)painted area,罚球圈,禁区2)free-throw lane,罚球圈,禁区3)penalty shots,罚球4)penalty shot,罚球5)penalty kick,罚球6)free throw,罚球7)foul shot,罚球8)free throw in a game,比赛罚球9)present situations of penalty shot,罚球现状10)player,罚球队员


Some researches prove that the outcome of about a quarter of matches is determined through penalty shots.


The penalty shots of sixty international basketball games show that the period of time of penalty shots is from 15"to 120"; the situation of penalty shots presents a deflective normal distribution in this period of time; and the more the time of penalty shots is long from the stopping match, the higher the accuracy shooting average in penalty shots is.


After quantitatively diagnosing and analyzing the degree of psychological stability in penalty shots of young basketball player and its influence to the shooting average,the paper hasidentified general rules and individual differences in the team,with an aim to search for effective training methods to improve the psychological stability and accuracy shooting average in penalty shots.

通过对青少年篮球运动员心理稳定性程度及其影响罚球命中率的效果进行定量诊断与分析 ,找出本队运动员罚球心理一般规律和个别差异 ,探寻提高罚球心理稳定性和命中率的有效训练方法。

This article wants to put up some suggestions how to grab the rebound in penalty shot, and some suggestions and ways of graking the rebound for the two sides in order to attach importance to it teaching and training.


Whether during the competitions of NBA quarter or during the finals of Olympic Games,there are more and more conditions whose victory or defeat is decided by penalty shot.


This paper states that psychology factors give the key efiect to the penalty shot s hit rate, it also puts forward the exercising method of the psychology training and control to strengthen the effect of psychology control, so as to improve the penalty shot s hit rate.


The penalty kick is a means of score in the basketball game and the hit rate directly influence the victory or defeat of the game.


After understanding and grasping the psychology manifestation that influences hit probability, the teacher should formulate the penalty kick training plan,raise the students self - confident and carry on each kind of psychological training.


In this papev, the reasons lohy a playen always loses hin ball at the time of penalty kick and analysed psychologically.


The goal rate of free throw has a great effect on the result of the game.


The research turns out to show that the nerve types of those who have a high score rate of free throw are mostly flexible type, stable type and excitable type.


This paper analysizes the phychological factors which influence the hit rate offree throw in the game and provides corresponding phychological controls and trainings for the purpose of promoting efficiency in training.

对影响罚球命中率的心理因素进行了分析 ,并采取了相应的心理控制和训练手段与方法 ,为训练工作提供一些参考依据。

