

  • 学校地址:辽宁省沈阳市沈北新区道义南大街37号
  • 学校电话:024-89724466
  • 学校性质:公办
  • 学校简介:沈阳航空工业学院是一所以航空宇航为特色,以工学为主,工学、理学、人文科学、社会科学...
  • 教学规模:3分
  • 周边环境:1分
  • 收费合理:1分
  • 教学设备:1分
  • 教学质量:3分
  • 师资力量:3分
  • 校园环境:3分
  • 社会影响:3分
  • 校园食堂:3分


沈阳航空工业学院是一所以航空宇航为特色,以工学为主,工学、理学、人文科学、社会科学、管理科学等学科协调发展的多科性高等院校。沈航创建于1952年,是原航空航天部所属的6所本科航空院校之一,现为辽宁省人民政府与工业和信息化部共同建设的唯一一所高校,是空军依托培养后备军官的全国18所地方院校之一,是辽宁省装备制造业紧缺人才航空航天培养基地,是辽宁省省属重点院校,已经成为“国防科技人才培养基地”、“辽宁老工业振兴人才培养基地”和“空军后备军官培养基地”。2007年,以“优秀”成绩通过了教育部本科教学工作水平评估。 沈航占地2129亩,建筑面积57万平方米,固定资产总值12.7亿元,教学科研仪器设备总值1.61亿元。图书馆馆藏图书及文献130余万册,各类报刊3000余种。现有16个教学单位,全日制在校生12000余人。沈航现有特聘院士10人,专任教师近800人,其中具有高级技术职称的教师420余人,具有博士学位的教师166人,硕博比75%以上。现有辽宁省创新团队3个,省级教学团队1个;辽宁省教学名师4人,校级教学名师22人,辽宁省青年骨干教师23人;省级重点学科带头人、校级学科学术带头人40人;辽宁省百、千、万层次人才50余人;拥有博士生导师、硕士生导师208人;近百位国内外知名学者担任学校兼职教授。 沈航现有43个本科专业,其中拥有5个国家特色专业,2个工业和信息化部国防重点专业和国防紧缺专业,5个辽宁省省级示范专业;现有省级精品课13门;拥有6个省级重点学科、国防科工局国防主干学科和省级重点培育学科,16个二级学科具有硕士学位授予权,5个领域可授工程硕士专业学位;现有11个省级重点实验室,其中,国家国防科工局在我校设立的“航空制造工艺数字化”国防重点学科实验室,是全国34个国防重点学科实验室之一。现有2个国家级实验教学示范中心,5个省级实验教学示范中心;“十五”以来,先后获省级以上教学成果奖30余项,其中国家教学成果奖1项,省级一等奖5项;学生在国际和国内大学生数学建模竞赛、挑战杯、电子设计竞赛等科技大赛中获得省级以上奖项400余项,其中国家级奖励70余项,省级奖项300余项,竞赛成绩位于辽宁省高校前列。 Characterized by aeronautics and astronautics, Shenyang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (SUAA) is a multi-disciplinary university, which, while focusing on engineering, also covers such areas as science, liberal arts and management. Founded in 1952, the university was initially administered by the National Ministry of Aeronautical & Astronautical Industry, and later by the China General Corporation of Aeronautical Industry. Since 1999, SUAA has been under the administration of the Liaoning Provincial Government, and is the only university owned by the China Industry and Information Technology Ministry and the Liaoning Provincial Government. It is also one of the eight universities constructed by the former China National Defence Ministry and local provincial governments. In addition, it is the only university of aeronautical and astronautical engineering in Liaoning Province. At present, the university comprises 17 schools, with over 900 lecturers, including 400 professors and associate professors. There are 20,000 full-time students in SUAA. The university has over 50,000 graduates, whose competence, loyalty and achievements have been well accepted by the society. A great number of them are now working as senior engineers or executives. The recent employment of the graduates has been maintained at the average of 95.7%. The innovative spirit of the university could be traced back as early as the 1950s, when its independently developed aircraft Shenhang No.1 flew into the sky successfully. Since 1990s, SUAA has been successively awarded the Torch Research-oriented University by Shenyang Municipal Government. Aiming at developing the students' full potentials, the university actively establishes outstanding clubs and takes part in a variety of high-level scientific activities, which results in the students' achievements in various contests, such as the Aircraft Model Contest, Mathematics Modeling Contest, Challenge Cup, Mechanical Design Contest, Electronic Design Contest, English Speaking Contest, Environment Art Design Contest and Industrial Design Contest.


