Consumers are keen to while away their sundays in superstores in theory as well as in practice .
Nevertheless mr. dickson refused to yield saying he had been working very hard before his vacation and would continue to do so while away .
Qat the mildly euphoria-inducing leaf that most yemeni men while away their afternoons chewing is one powerful pacifier .
My fellow villagers live and while away their time in a monotonous environment completely cut off from the outside world .
When broadcasts began in 2005 people were expected to use their toys to while away long commutes by train or to kill time while waiting for the bus . Instead they mostly choose to play with them at home .
Shrewdly the hotel realised that with so many night flights out of hong kong guests who had already checked out needed somewhere to while away the time .
The first pink smudges on the far ridgeline were a while away perhaps hours .