The yogurt industry has been saying so loudly for many years : top up your good bacteria !
One way to ameliorate the effects would be to top up investment on school repairs roadbuilding and the like .
Governments could top up some creditors beyond this level without making all creditors whole as now .
It is no good reducing emissions now because any new emissions at all simply top up the saturated earth and water .
If they come home to work in state companies educational institutions or business parks they can top up their salaries with a handsome tax-free government bonus .
In place of minimum wages both parties would shepherd low-skilled workers into jobs through state subsidies to top up their wages .
The story begins with complaints from bt vision virgin media and top up tv that sky was preventing them from becoming effective competitors by refusing to give them access on fair terms to premium sports content .
Generating companies with their big investment plans are being squeezed by the need to import more expensive foreign coal to top up supplies and by the bankruptcy of their main customers .