He himself began to talk up his chances the following june .
Ask lib dems about property and land taxes and they talk up a storm about fiscal liberalism .
The uzbek authorities are seeking to talk up the economy but they have also taken measures to cushion the impact of remittances on the impoverished population-the world bank estimated in 2005 that 26 % of the population was in poverty in 200
We talk up this supplier to our colleagues as a great business with which to be associated .
There is a note of desperate attention-seeking in the pleas of relief officials as they talk up the scale of the latest catastrophe .
The thought occurs that under fire for their huge salaries and other perks chief executives have decided to talk up the misery of the job as part of a cunning public relations strategy .
When its leaders talk up the state as the solution to all problems the government 's failure to satisfy people 's basic needs such as security and policing becomes all the more striking .
For a man who claims to be inspired by an increasingly networked world the reluctance of robert stevens to talk up his central role as chief executive of lockheed martin the world 's biggest military contractor is understandable .