Second exporters foster skills technology and expertise that can fruitfully spill over to other enterprises .
Some of this confusion will spill over into the g20 summit .
In a world where goodwill is scarce heavy-handed dialogues engender resentments that spill over into other spheres .
A dysfunctional economic relationship between these two countries could spill over into other areas and have huge costs .
Ideas spill over from one economy to another : when china innovates americans benefit .
Commodity constraints will limit the real output response globally and most of the excess demand will spill over into higher inflation .
Violence could suck in israel or spill over into lebanon .
The technology already appears in electric cars and may soon spill over into consumer devices as well .
The euro 's relative strength is amid tensions that loose monetary policy adopted by major central banks worldwide could spill over into a series of competitive currency devaluations .
Oil spill occurred at the beginning british petroleum was once placed in the spill over point oil control mask hoping to siphon off crude oil transport vessels .