Though hugely impractical and exceedingly unbelievable the situational simulation that raiden finds himself in is actually an elaborate machine meant to replicate a soldier on par with solid snake .
A sniper hide on a roof picked off three of the soldier on patrol .
His intention was to soldier on in office for up to two years .
The soldier on the island put up a stout resistance .
The soldier on guard challenged the strangers who tried to come in .
During the nazi years every newlywed couple in germany and every soldier on the front received a free copy .
Those numbers just scratch the surface : a case is confirmed only after a lab test is sent to the cdc . Many sick people just soldier on without even seeing a doctor .
The cost of keeping a single soldier on the ground now exceeds $ 5 00000 a year-a strong reason for a poorer america to reduce its presence in the region .