Many italian firms are family-owned and about as keen to sell up as their 30-year-old sons are to leave home .
Rather than chivvying them to perform better investors shrug their shoulders sell up and move on .
Other rich entrepreneurs sell up and simply use their wealth for dedicated good causes .
The treasury announced that it would sell up to $ 6.9 billion of aig stock it holds .
But unless basic services are radically improved the danger is that peasants will sell up and become landless .
That is a good portion but unilever and others sell up to half of their wares in developing countries .
Not like that jumped-on powder they sell up in nuyorico .
The government plans to sell up to 49 % of aena in a drive to reduce spain 's budget deficit .
In a statement on monday mitsubishi ufj said it would issue 390 billion yen in preferred shares next month and sell up to 600 billion yen in ordinary shares over the next year .
Its approval should make it easier for the government to compel landowners to sell up allowing it to build much-needed highways across the main islands of java and sumatra among other projects .