I could probably rattle off 50 much more complicated and disgusting ones .
Nowadays people just rattle off a bunch of studio heads .
I confess to enjoying the awed looks on people 's faces when I rattle off this list but I feel a little guilty .
A good speculator can rattle off the latest prices but a good hedger will quote you the latest premiums of faraway contracts over the nearby ones .
Voters who planned to cast a ballot for mr. romney tend to point to his business background or rattle off concerns about the national debt .
I confess to enjoying the awed looks on people \ 's faces when I rattle off this list but I feel a little guilty .
Forest conservationists schooled in failure rattle off a list of possible reasons why .
Refuse to eat or drink anything in her presence and rattle off some sob stories about how much it rains in your small washington town .
That invasive approach has been tremendously informative but even its proponents can rattle off a long list of limitations : the probes tend to stop working after a short period of time they can become infected and they gene
A two-year-old boy could identify all the pictures in compton 's encyclopedia ; a three-year-old boy could name all the presidents and vice presidents of the u.s. recite 37 nursery rhymes rattle off 25 questions & answers