Still the government says it intends to push ahead with the program .
But germany also needs to push ahead with liberalisation .
The day hosni mubarak bowed out in egypt bahrain 's crown prince told a business gathering in turkey that his government would push ahead with reform .
How can a project manager balance the need to push ahead potentially with incomplete information with the increased costs of late changes ?
Among various tasks in creating a new situation in a all-around way the priority is to push ahead the modernization of economy development .
Under the treaty the keenest member countries may push ahead with defence co-operation among themselves .
Other disciplines where china is regarded as having the capability to push ahead include non-electronics fields such as low-energy industrial processing and nanotechnology the science of tiny particles .
The debate over rebalancing china 's economy comes at a particularly tense time in the nation 's political life so there is little political will to push ahead with economic reforms analysts say .