But not everyone is convinced that gaddafi will press on to benghazi .
Nakagawa who is known to enjoy a drink denied he was drunk when he addressed the japanese press on saturday .
After our rest it was time to press on .
If the bleeding stops when you press on it for a few minutes then you probably do not need a doctor .
We press on again and I watch carefully as the so-called upper class residences fade off into the slumps of london .
As the economist went to press on april 7th the mpc was expected to keep its benchmark rate at 0.5 % - but a quarter-point increase seems likely as soon as next month .
If he could have done one thing to avert his plunge from front-runner for the republican presidential nomination to also-ran newt gingrich told the press on the eve of the iowa caucuses in january he would have pulled the pl
19 Associated press on condition of anonymity to an egyptian security officials as news sources reported that four egyptians suspected of spying for israel was arrested .