Curse me for not being able to pass off as a guy .
Companies are registering eco-trademarks to prevent competitors from copying branding symbols or attempting to pass off their products as those of others .
A subprime lender who misled a borrower into taking unwise risks could pass off the financial instruments to other parties remote from the original transaction .
Where I 'll pass off your little gizmo as my own .
Shady exporters are furious about the regulations he adds because they make it more difficult for them to pass off copies as authentic artifacts and prices have nose-dived .
Organisers were hopeful the screening would pass off without incident although sources involved in promoting the film in japan said they could not rule out disruption by extreme right-wing organisations .
Besides hong kong company reasonable avoid outside duty off shore company can open bank account in hong kong some enterprises pass off shore to run farther reasonable avoid duty .