Moreover there are fears that mergers will be used to paper over cracks .
If your cellphone 's built-in camera flash is much too bright washing out photos tape a small piece of paper over the flash .
Would you glance my paper over and give me your opinion ?
How many people read your paper over a plate of sushi ?
The talks were called originally to paper over the quarrels between the two .
I don 't like people reading my paper over my shoulder .
The two leaders also had to paper over their different approaches on how to respond to terrorism .
And there is the same attempt to paper over contradictions . These need to be dealt with .
And yahoo and alibaba issued a joint statement late sunday that attempted to paper over their latest spat saying they are ' committed to productive negotiations to resolve the outstanding issues ' on alipay .
Moreover quick-fix solutions which target specific countries or focus on one or two statistics are unlikely to lead to sustainable solutions although they may appear to paper over problems in the short term .