While you pace out to back to america to bring up your girlfriend .
The white house offered no new details monday on how it would speed up spending from the $ 787 billion stimulus package and in many ways the administration is limited by the gradual pace set out in the law passed earlier this year .
The girl quickens her pace to get out of this isolated place .
China has developed at unimaginable pace lifting millions out of poverty .
Bobby using his pace out of midfield and with a thunderous shot scored some of the most spectacular goals english football has ever seen .
If you cannot uncover the line beneath the snow pace out 16.5m ( 18 yds ) from the goalline before making your judgment .
The economic slowdown is bound to slow that pace he points out as people lose their jobs ( more than 8 million people were sacked last year according to official figures ) and the pressure for wage increases eases .