That could make waves down at the docks where ships are hauling in rocks and sand from canada and cement from china .
Don 't you make mecome down there after you .
You gonna make meget down on one knee ?
I think I could make it down unassisted .
Sit down or I 'll make you sit down !
Please make a down payment of 2000 yuan now . And you 'll pay the rest on delivery .
But he played down specific worries about a souring of home mortgages since home buyers in china must make a down payment of at least 30 percent .
However in order to produce efficiently and make cost down cell quality is usually sacrificed and instable to lithium cell or battery manufacturers .
I will get together all the nations and make them come down into the valley of jehoshaphat ; and there I will take up with them the cause of my people and of my heritage israel whom they have sent wandering among the nations and of