They always lean upon us when they 're in trouble .
You lean upon a broken reed if you trust to their compassion .
Facing everything toughly does not mean we do not hope a warm arm to lean upon .
If you lean upon my chest hear my heart pounding singing melodies to haiti .
He shall lean upon his house but it shall not stand : he shall hold it fast but it shall not endure .
Lean heavily upon your subconscious and proclaim frequently that divine right action is taking place .
Look for her thousand hundred degree light wanings lean on the door looking back upon but green plum is smelt in the dream .
But when you feign complete indifference it will fawn upon you lean close to you and live with you .
She and not her husband was the head of their affairs and with an iron determination she held to every highland custom every form every feudal detail that she could against the detritus of democratic times and ridicule and the gain upon <