The federal government created fannie mae and freddie mac the big mortgage agencies in the interest of raising home-ownership .
The press which ought to have been controlled in the interest of the state took advantage of these popular defects .
Companies are also required to act in the interest of all stakeholders not just of shareholders .
Chandra bhan prasad a dalit journalist applaudsthis and argues that it would be in the interest of companies .
Furious at enforced cuts across the welfare state he accused the imf of acting only in the interest of international creditors .
And we hope this progress continues because it 's in the interest of both sides the region and the united states .
But it is in the interest of all the people of the americas that the region 's relatively recent embrace of democracy and human rights be sustained .
Continuing to sell its own mobile devices was no longer in the interest of hp and its shareholders in the words of mr apotheker .
So finding a new model to support journalism is in the interest of society as a whole .
But these american allies have long accused hamas of acting in the interest of its friends iran syria and the lebanese shia militia hizbullah to sabotage chances for a regional peace .