The content and course arrangement of vocal music education has its own characteristics in contrast with the musical performance education .
In contrast with the revolution in neighboring egypt which was led by youthful revolutionaries government and business leaders like mr. ben jumaa played an apparently pivotal role in the libyan uprising .
In contrast with new york los angeles is much more spread out .
In contrast with previous computer-industry battles a single victor seems unlikely this time around .
Chinese banks will announce record profits for 2007 in coming weeks in contrast with their global counterparts which have been forced into large write-offs in the wake of the credit crisis .
But the excess of waffle and the lack of specifics stand out in contrast with poland 's ready support for the missions in iraq and afghanistan .
From these perspectives and in contrast with the situation of the past the post-portal characteristics of the internet in china have looked particularly marked during the recent couple of years .
But in contrast with the 2005 announcement the people 's bank did not include any immediate appreciation of the renminbi .
In contrast with earlier periods of the council 's history when loud confrontational debates were common most current debates occur in private .
The restaurant 's demure location just steps away from victoria harbour in the quiet residential neighborhood of kennedy town seems in contrast with the bold menu .