They sat talking for hours on the dusty twig-littered floor one or other of them getting up from time to time to cast a glance through the arrowslits and make sure that no one was coming .
Relying on human inputs rather than bots has the disadvantage of moderate results but a cursory glance through them revealed them to be closer to home .
A glance through the shop manual of a typical automobile for example reveals twenty-two motors and twenty-five more solenoids .
A glance through his office offers a panoramic view of the washington monument and lincoln memorial .
A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the washington monument and the lincoln memorial .
For perhaps five seconds exaltation made him careless and he stepped out on to the pavement without so much as a preliminary glance through the window .
I have a glance through the newspaper headlines .
You glance through the mirror and there 's eyes staring clear .
He asked if he might glance through my album .
It only takes a glance through the rest of this newspaper to figure out why .