It 's times like these when I gaze at my what would arthur radebaugh do ? Bracelet .
While you gaze at your partner reach out to gently grasp the sides of their face chin back of the neck or waist .
Every heartbeat is mediated by chemicals in water ; when we gaze at a starry night sky the cells in our eyes execute all their seeing functions in water ; thinking about water requires neurons filled with water .
Then make the stroke and continue to gaze at the ground where the ball was for at least one more count .
Exercise 1 : place your index finger about 12 inches away from your eyes gently gaze at the tip of your finger for 5-10 seconds .
Other strategists gaze at maps and conjure up evil shapes .
Luke narrowed his gaze at scott who only smiled sheepishly .
He had to think of a portrait on the stairs which always looked earnestly after him as he went away eyeing it over his shoulder ; and which when he passed it in the company of anyone still seemed to gaze at him and not at