While mr. obama has not put a figure on the account senate democrats have called for $ 20 billion .
The sdsr said that it was impossible to put a precise figure on the financial cost of criminals using the internet .
It would cut a greatly diminished figure on the world stage .
He had recently been asked to brief a leading european political figure on the latest scientific understanding of climate change .
Don 't figure on the weather being fine for your garden party .
If you figure on success you stand a better chance of winning .
He was an imposing figure on stage .
The group based its figure on the one-fifth or so of britain 's workers who it reckons did not make it to the office the factory or the building site during those snowy days in late december .
I figure on meeting their representative in hilton on tuesday afternoon .
Britain would have to renegotiate dozens of bilateral trade deals from a much weaker position than it enjoyed as a member of the eu . It would cut a greatly diminished figure on the world stage .