The theory presumably is that a few carefully targeted barriers will fend off more acute protectionist pressure from congress and shore up political support for free-trade deals .
Mr saleh needs new ones quickly if he is to fend off the rising tide of opposition at home .
Government leaders tried to fend off the criticism .
Such policies do nothing to fend off currency-driven price competition from china or the rich world .
The practice can lead to eggs not hatching and chicks going hungry as adults try to fend off a nonexistent threat they said .
One is that their brains and hormones change to enhance their abilities to fend off predators leave the nest to find food and return quickly so their young aren 't attacked .
Iran may well be calculating that it has done enough to fend off further sanctions .
It could be that in the coming months and years businesses in china will reinforce the domestic market as a way to fend off the global reverberations from the economic downturn .
Such moves may be the minimum required for shanda to fend off its rivals .
Dollar weakness encourages asian policymakers to keep interest rates much lower than is appropriate for their booming economies to fend off local currency appreciation .