They 're generally considered the universal symbol for dirty living quarters in part because roaches feed off rotting organic matter and can spread diseases like dysentery and typhoid .
If anything immigrants seemed to crowd in native innovation perhaps because ideas feed off each other .
They feed off of rats .
Gonna take the feed off my cattle on this range .
You have to feed off of each other in this routine you know ?
Your body and spirit feed off your thoughts so you need to make sure these thoughts are nurturing and not negative .
Coral reefs are formed by deposits of calcium carbonate left by successive generations of tiny polyps which feed off plankton .
In common with the other big current account surplus countries notably china and germany the japanese economy is structured to feed off the excess demand of other nations .
Nationalism could feed off these tensions and fuel more steps like denmark 's move away from the eu 's commitment to open borders among its states .
This is why the false gods had the pharaohs gather so many larger headed humans nearby ; to feed off of them for the purposes of life extension and dominion .