As growth slows policymakers will ease in response .
Transit bottlenecks began to ease in new york city with the reopening of some subways but in new jersey and elsewhere lines stretched long from gas stations lucky enough to have both electricity and gasoline .
On macro policies we expect pressures for rate hikes to ease in 2008 on falling inflation ( from 4.7 % this year to 4.0 % next year ) but rmb appreciation could accelerate a bit reflecting among others eu pressure .
Food manufacturers use pasteurized egg products because of their convenience and ease in handling and storing .
However growth in the trade surplus is expected to ease in 2008 - impacted not only by weaker overseas demand but also by the effect of a strengthening yuan which makes exports more expensive but gives china more buyi
I always feel ill at ease in my father 's company .
You feel at ease in a crowd .
Although accomplished at making government bureaucracy work from behind the scenes mr geithner has scant experience in the arts of public persuasion and seems ill at ease in the spotlight .
Some advantages of the sole proprietorship are less paperwork minimal legal restrictions owner retention of all profits and ease in discontinuing the business .