Northern efforts to drag out delay or sabotage the referendum are increasingly blatant .
Choose a solid colour for the background then drag out a radial gradient from the top centre .
Whatta ya saywe ...... drag out that raft ? .
Nathan hale would sooner die a hero than drag out an ignoble existence .
She is going to drag out the engagement in the hope of making me relent .
He demanded speedy trials where formerly defendants could intimidate witnesses and drag out proceedings .
They can hardly let matters drag out until september : that would guarantee more contagion .
I ask them to help me pack a few things so they drag out the big wicker chest under the bed and bring me some small packages tied up in flowered handkerchiefs . I want them I say .
One reason is the suggestion coming out of iran that the regime is ready to make a deal and not just trying to drag out talks .
Legal groups involved in cases against the tobacco industry have long complained that firms use their huge legal resources to drag out litigation in the hope of preventing it ever reaching resolution .