Will they give him another chance on another project ?
Like most great investors he 'll bide his time almost indefinitely waiting for the chance on goal .
A society that empowers the inventor and the innovator ; where men and women can take a chance on a dream .
Ms meyer agrees that more americans are willing to take a chance on starting up their own company which she says is a cultural thing .
This newspaper was prepared to give him a chance on condition that he acted swiftly and firmly to rein in extremism and sort out the economy and then returned to barracks .
He was a risk-taker and not afraid to take a chance on an idea .
I don 't know about you but I 'm not ready to take a 10 % chance on change .
Expect more musicals to take a chance on china soon .
I took a chance on you okay ? I put everything into you !
Because mr tang retains the support of some of hong kong 's loftiest landlords such as li ka-shing he still has a chance on election day march 25th .