The guardian has been prevented from reporting parliamentary proceedings on legal grounds which appear to call into question privileges guaranteeing free speech established under the 1688 bill of rights .
While many claim it definitely exists others call into question the quality of the research and how the definition of the disorder is constantly changing .
But with bond markets continuing to punish those countries new bailouts may be needed soon -- a prospect that some believe will call into question the durability of the euro as a common currency .
Call into question ; challenge the accuracy probity or propriety of .
But they do call into question the probity of some climate change science .
If the quake did cause the damage it could call into question the resilience of tepco 's other nuclear installations in japan .
More than that it would call into question their whole centrist shtick - for the moral of my story is that mr. ryan isn 't the only emperor who turns out on closer examination to be naked .