A controversial turkish preacher who goes by the name of harun yahya is in the forefront .
The most celebrated of all military pigeons was an american black check by the name of cher ami which successfully completed 12 missions .
The academy exhibitions were the first place a viewer might see a painting accompanied by the name of the artist and an official title .
His group have shown that a substance known as jq1 which inhibits an epigenetic regulator called brd4 blocks the activity of a gene by the name of myc .
Article request the 43rd industrial and commercial administrative organs to deal with the name of the dispute to be approved by the name of another person 's industrial and commercial administrative organs to submit the
He had a scruffy old teddy bear which went by the name of augustus .
And he whom nature has made weak and idleness keeps ignorant may yet support his vanity by the name of a critic .