It was a multinational empire held together by force .
Group of seven countries have also rewritten contracts by force majeure the uk did so with the tax on north sea oil in 2005 and canada 's alberta province raised its take of oil sands revenues in 2009 .
The european union is different from the austro-hungarian and ottoman empires the soviet union and the former yugoslavia in that it was not imposed by force .
And he must corral the free syrian army of defectors bent on toppling the regime by force .
However biafra 's failure to redraw colonial boundaries by force put an end to most further attempts .
It is incumbent on the republic to export freedom and democracy by force if necessary .
They took the house by force .
Would they really be willing or able to disarm hizbullah by force ?
Robbery of a traveller or vehicle by force .
Three queens girls cling to boy student underpants actually by force in the dormitory .