It was no small work to bring into being that magnificent gymnasium .
Bring into being scientific and effective government policy .
The clock 's methodical ticking helped bring into being the scientific mind and the scientific man .
We can only embrace what is beyond us and find a way to bring into being forces of nature such as a tiny child .
A mantra is believed to be the sound form of reality having the power to bring into being the reality it represents .
How does this mound of meat bring into being her comprehension of the doctor 's question and her ability to respond to it ?
Bring sth into ` being cause sth to have reality or existence ; create sth.
This operation also leads to new governments and the special broadcasts by the new american president which will bring into being a new global monetary and financial system .
If anyone asks why a communist should strive to bring into being first a bourgeois-democratic society and then a socialist society our answer is : we are following the inevitable course of history .