Otherwise u.s. companies could be at a disadvantage in competing for access to russian markets .
While continental chemicals groups feel that higher energy costs put them at a disadvantage to asian rivals companies in the uk complain they are becoming less competitive than their european neighbours .
Our common commitment created a new framework to address currencies that put us producers at a disadvantage .
Under its new model google could give motorola early access to android software without putting other partners at a disadvantage said a person familiar with the matter .
This places telstra at a disadvantage when competing for profitable urban customers .
The speed of the fund approvals inadvertently placed many of the rqfii fund issuers in hong kong at a disadvantage .
We are told imposing regulation will be too expensive and will put uk firms at a disadvantage .
They believe they are at a disadvantage to us banks which can shift their holdings to a cost basis more easily and escape the savaging of asset values in today 's markets .
Talk of diversification must be backed up with a menu of products however and without looser regulation foreign banks will remain at a disadvantage .
In every country that has contemplated regulating greenhouse gases it is seen as a problem : how can policy ensure that legal limits on emissions do not put local firms at a disadvantage to their foreign competitors ?