Interns assist in researching both macroeconomic and microeconomic activity and help in the analysis of the resulting data .
From washington the national transportation safety board said it will send a team of investigators to assist in the probe .
To assist in anti-piracy measures imo issues reports on piracy and armed robbery against ships submitted by member governments and international organizations .
Alongside the arms race of increasingly elaborate modelling software there are also efforts to develop software that can assist in negotiation and mediation .
Marines stationed on okinawa dispatched a high-speed military ferry to japan monday morning to assist in the operations according to the u.s. military .
Neurotransmitters are chemicals that assist in sending messages between nerve cells in the brain .
Answering the following questions will assist in finding ways that you can help .
Assist in maintaining a highly motivated and well-trained staff .
French transport minister jean-louis borloo told cnn affiliate france 2 that france asked the u.s. military to assist in the search through u.s. detection satellites .
Emotional support from the nursing staff is important.honest clear concise explanations of all procedures in language the patient and family can understand will assist in allaying anxiety .