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rationalize the relationship



1)rationalize the relationship,"理顺关系"2)coordinate relations,理顺关系3)Truth,理4)Li,理5)reason,理6)principle,理7)Li,“理”8)rationality,理9)"reason","理"10)management theory,理管理理论


Truth Interestingly Related: A Topic Incompletely Discussed;


Abundant feeling,abstruse truth and various technique of the classical poem,longs and shorts and prose band together and apply to the teaching.


The Development of "Li" at Pre-Qin and the Confluence & Transformation of Confucianism,Toaism and Legalism;


Can "Li" Be Active?;


Legal Idea of Zhu Xi on the Basis of "Li;


Law, reason, emotion-presentation of people s court office building design of Gu Tian county;


“Too very,Reason too” Communication ZHUXI Easy to Learn with Manage to Learn;


In addition, this paper analyses the social reasons of this change and puts forward the necessity of education and.


LEFT BIOGRAPHY is good at describing the language of the dip lomats, t heir words are scrupulously abide by courtesy and quick-witted , either they tol d adversary of principle ,or moved him of emotions , or attacked by innuendo, or spoke with force of justice , so many means were put to use ,and many styles we re appeared , it is difficult to cite completely .

:《左传》善于描写各个诸侯国外交官的辞令 ,他们的外交语言恪守礼仪而又机智灵活 ,或晓之以理 ,或动之以情 ,或旁敲侧击 ,或义正辞严 ,运用多种方法 ,呈现出不同的风格 ,不胜枚举。

"Deeds according to the principle"is the basic life perspective of Chinese traditional philosophy.


Sung Confucians had their own appeal for theorization and introversion in their way of study,but their care for the society obliged them to turn from propriety to principle,hence the Tang-Sung intellectual transition had a distinctive feature of continuity concealed in its interruptiveness on the problem of propriety and principle.


A Preparatory Exploration for Constructional Path of Harmonious Society in the Traditional China——Taking Qing,Li and Law as An Example;


In his thought, Qiu Jun upheld Zhu Xi but repressed Lu Jiuyuan, for he didn’t totally negate benefits and desires despite his adherence to the conflict between rationality and desires—a reflection of the confrontation between rationality and desires.


He attempted to use "love" to harmonize the "rationality" and cleared up the bondage of female.


From the idea of "rationality(li)-momentum(shi)"in ancient Chinese philosophy,the attitude of considering both the rationality and the momentum should be adopted toward the globalization,bringing the strength of the Orient into full play through participation,and improving its development to a more rational direction.


Zhang Dainian attaches importance to the study of "reason" discussed and explored deeply both in his former and latter papers.


