Material imposition principle exists as a principle of interpretation of taxation law according to the ability theory of taxation and is subject to the principle of legislative taxation.
The tax law system is an important part of the whole national law system.
, embodying the scientific principles of the accounting discipline, while taxation laws and regulations adopt a taxation approach and are based on legal and taxation theories.
制定企业会计制度的依据是《会计法》和《企业财务报告条例》 ,它对收入、成本费用和利润等的确认、计量和报告都有其合理的概念依据 ,体现了会计学科本身的科学性 ,而税收法规则是从税收角度考虑 ,具有法学和税收理论依据 ,二者从不同学科出发 ,对同一要素进行确认、计量和报告 ,必然会产生矛盾。