The process of directional blasting is divided into two steps of throwing and sliding and which are calculated by the volume equilibrium method and sliding equation respectively.
文章把定向爆破抛掷堆积过程分为抛掷和滑移阶段 ,分别用体积平衡法和滑移方程进行计算 ,并在一定的条件下进行优化 ,使目前的体积平衡法在理论和应用上都提高了一步。
By using the casting blast technique in surface mines,a large volume of overburden will be thrown into the mined-out area,making the stripping volume of dragline operation be decreased and the stripping cost lowered.
The development of casting blast technique in open cast mines, the applications of pre-splitting blast and inclined drilling technique, the types of explosive, the parameters of casting blast and its predicted casting results were introduced.
Casting blast is often jointly used with pre-splitting blast.
In view of the two layout of charges constant nature,this paper researched blasting cone and throwing accumulation rule of linear and sub-concentrated charge by experiment.
针对这两种布药结构可比性问题 ,论文就条形药包与分集药包爆破漏斗特点和抛掷堆积规律进行了试验研究。
This paper fully describes the filling process and introduces the structure,perfor-mances and operation principle of ModeI PC-1 thrower.