Coating of chitosan on the Litchi pericarp can change the permeability of the cellular membrane so as to extend the storage life.
Relative leakage from seeds significantly increased at the initial phase of imbibition,and then declined.
随着脱水时间的延长 ,预吸胀不同时间的绿豆种子的含水量和存活率、由存活种子产生的幼苗鲜重、胚根和下胚轴长度明显下降 ;而且随着预吸胀时间的增加 ,种子对脱水的敏感性显著加强 ;预吸胀种子的相对渗漏率在脱水初期缓慢增加 ,然后迅速增加 ,且预吸胀时间愈长 ,相对渗漏率增加的幅度愈大。
Respiration rate,ethylene production,cellular leakage and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in fig ( Ficus carica L.
as experimental material,the effects of air pollution on plant physiology at different sites in Lanzhou City are studied from multi-facet,such as:cell membrane leakage rates,the contens of tissue water,SOD-amylase activtities,prolinc content and so on.
)的成熟叶片为材料,从细胞膜渗漏率、光合色素含量、 叶提取液pH值、脯氨酸含量、SOD酶活性等方面探究了兰州不同地区大气污染对植物生理特性的影响。