The Application and Research of Stabilized Sodium Chlorite on the Preservation of Food;
It is usually troublesome to generate chlorine dioxide through the reaction of sodium chlorite and an acid because the reactants must be weighed on the spot.
通过加入一种水源性稳定剂 SI能使亚氯酸钠和固体酸在干燥状态下混合后不放出二氧化氯 ,将混合物加入水中又能迅速地产生二氧化氯 ,得到澄清透明的二氧化氯黄色水溶液 ,使用方便。
0 g each of sodium chlorite(agent A) and citric acid(agent B) were dissolved in 5 ml of water and activated for 30 min.
Resonance Scattering Spectrometric Determination of Trace Chlorite Using Cationic Surfactants;
Iodate,chlorite and bromate in bottled water are disinfectant by-products(DBPs) from ozonation.
A bench-scale study was eonducted to investigate the variety concentration of the chlorite and affecting factors of oxidation.
Priliminary Study on Chlorite Pollution of Drinking Water Disinfected by Chlorine Dioxide;
The solution of thermal stability of stabilized chlorine dioxide and acidity influence on activation effects are studied, and is contrasted with solution of chlorite.
Besides proposing the normal solution method,the control method using chlorite was investigated in detail.