英语单词 汉英字典 汉英词典 高中 CET4 CET6 TOEFL 考研 IELTS GRE 英语短语 行业英语
偏旁部首 拼音查字 笔画查字 汉字结构 汉字笔顺 汉字拆字
成语组合 成语组词 近义词 反义词
词语组合 词语组词
古诗词 造句大全 元素周期表

substitution drill



1)substitution drill,替换练习2)Substitution drills,替换练习3)substitution,替换4)Replacing,替换5)replacement,替换6)substitute,替换7)replace,替换8)displacement,替换9)substitution dialogue,替换10)bearing substitute,轴承替换


A discussion on the chronological substitution of Pi(皮) and Fu(肤) in the Han Dynasties;


Meanwhile, the definition of substitution criterion (reference) ne eded by the realization of substitut.

本文提出了自动完成并联机床组合设计的替换方法 ,建立了一个相对完整的整机组合设计理论体系 ,并阐明了替换方法中替换基准的含义以及替换方法的局限性和应用时的注意事

Based on this, this article introduces a method of analysis when applying examination and substitution at the same time, and also deals with the structure of the best tactics.

系统的故障是通过检测来发现的 ,但是 ,如果检测费用高而且数额很大时 ,可考虑不特意进行检测 ,不管系统的状态如何直接进行维修替换。

Some technique on hardware and software replacing are generalized.


In order to make a replacement of obsolescent instrument in existing test system, this Paper presents a new approach through embedded software or hardware middleware.


Aim\ Solving a very important but easily ignored fact in life testing is pointed out, \%viz\%, the life date analysis of the life testing with the original and the replacement items having the same two parameter exponential ditribution is quite different from that of the life testing with the replacement items having a one parameter exponential distribution.

目的 解决在寿命试验中一个非常重要而又易忽视的事实 ,也即初试产品和替换产品的寿命同为二参数指数分布的有替换寿命试验的数据分析 ,将完全不同于替换产品的寿命为仅含刻度参数的分布的寿命试验的数据分析 。

In this paper the authors give the method for estimation of reliability parameters of the products which possess exponnential distributin model,under the case of definite time censorship longevity test (type of replacement) with stochastic censorship and stochastic expunge head.


Psychological motivation of words substitute in paradigmatic relations;


The regular expression and its construction tactics are introduced,through verifying the legality of the URL address in a string and through the application instance of using regular expression to search and substitute text and code.

介绍了正则表达式及其构造策略,并通过验证字符串中URL地址的合法性以及使用正则表达式查找并替换文本和代码的应用实例,说明正则表达式在Visual Basic 6。

After the Han Dynasty,the word of "Hong(红)" is gradually substitute for the original word of "Chi"(赤).


This paper iceustrates the adoptability of how to get the limit value by the replace of equivalence infinitesimal It also makes further analysis to the principle of equivalence replac

本文举例说明用等价无穷小替换求极限的适用性 ,并对等价替换的原则作了进一步分

