英语单词 汉英字典 汉英词典 高中 CET4 CET6 TOEFL 考研 IELTS GRE 英语短语 行业英语
偏旁部首 拼音查字 笔画查字 汉字结构 汉字笔顺 汉字拆字
成语组合 成语组词 近义词 反义词
词语组合 词语组词
古诗词 造句大全 元素周期表




1)illiberal,无教养的2)unbred,无教养的3)Nan Wu Religion,南无教4)churchless,无教堂的5)non-material teaching,无教材教学6)"Give instruction anytime and anywhere,无教而无不教7)three-no-educational theory,“三无”教育理论8)driving without an instructor,无教员而驾驶9)unsupervised speaker adaptation,无教师说话人自适应10)unsupervised speaker adaptation,无教师讲者自适应


The Chinese Baojuan of " Shou Jin Bao Juan", wrote by folk actors in Nan Wu Religion in late Ming Dynasty, talked about family ethics and Buddhism retribution.


This paper introduces the information literacy and information literacy education, expounds the necessity of implementing the non-material teaching in university, and taking Guangdong Ocean University as the example, probes into the scheme of implementing the non-material teaching in university.


The Exploration of the "Give instruction anytime and anywhere;


We propose a new speech recognition method by the integration of the VQ, HMM and an unsupervised speaker adaptation algorithm, it complies a VQ distortion measure at each state instead of a discrete output probability used by a discrete HMM, and uses an adaptive VQ algorithm to alter the codewords for speaker adaptation.

提出了一种新的语音识别方法 ,该方法综合了VQ ,HMM和无教师说话人自适应算法的优点 。

We proposed a new speech recognition method by the integration of the VQ,HMM and an unsupervised speaker adaptation algorithm,it comply a VQ-distortion measure at each state instead of a output probability used by a traditional HMM,and uses an fuzzy adaptive VQ algorithm to alter the codewords for speaker adaptation.

本文提出了一种新的语音识别方法 ,它综合了VQ、HMM和无教师说话人自适应算法的优点 ,在每个状态通过用矢量量化误差值取代传统HMM的输出概率值来建立FVQ/HMM ,同时采用基于模糊矢量量化的无教师自适应算法 ,来改变FVQ/HMM的各状态的码字 ,从而实现对未知说话人的码本适应 。

Aiming at Chinese continuous speech recognition, a novel unsupervised speaker adaptation method based on maximum a posteriori algorithm is presented in this paper, together with a simple effective formula which can give a satisfying result with only a few data.


