Geometric inequality for pedal simplex and its applications;
Some properties for k-dimensional middle sections of a simplex and their applications;
Optimization of the operating conditions on DFPD in gas chromatograph by using simplex method;
Geometric inequality for pedal simplex and its applications;
Generalization of inequalities for volumes of pedal simplexes;
Two inequalities for pedal simplex and applications;
The regular simplex was summarized,which pointed out new characters of regularsimplex.
指出了正则单形的新性质,如棱长为a的n维正则单形Ωn的体积V有下述公式1()!2Vn ann=+,任何n维正则单形?n的所有顶点角之和1 12 21n i(1)arcsin(1)(1 1)nin n∑=+α=++?+n,任何n维正则单形的所有二面角之和1 1≤i<∑j≤n+βij=???n 2+1arccos1/n,并借助于矩阵理论对已有的性质给出直观性的证明。
This paper proves that the sum of the square of the distance of any paint on m-dimensional spherical surface whose centre is the centre of the regular simplex from each edge is an invariable,thus obtains that the supposition in paper[1] is tenable when i=m-1.
This article gives the volume inequality of higher dimension simplex about interface and dihedral angle, then sets up regular simplex s volume formula which differs from definition.
A Inequality for volumes of tangent points simplex and escrib points simplex;
Inequalities for volumes of escenters simplex and tangent points simplex;
Then the simplex ?with the tangent points as vertexes is called the tangent points simplex.
The problem of geometric inequalities for Ceva simplex by analytic method and geometric theory is studied.
In this paper,the anthor study problem of geometric inequalities for Ceva simplex by analytic method and geometric theory.
To study local influence of the data cases on the Score statistic for the test of varying dispersion in the nonlinear model of simplex distribution,this paper develops the local influence on the score test statistic under perturbation in the response variable and explanatory variables based on gradient method.
This system implemented factor demarcation of geological sensor,data measurement of earth pressure in the menu form.
Pure pixels can be extracted using a method of simplex, which is a concept in convex geometry, and thus accurate hyperspectral image classification and spectral unmixing can be realized.
将 n个波段的高光谱图像像元与 n维空间里的散点联系起来 ,结合凸体几何中单形体概念研究高光谱遥感图像纯净像元提取方法 ,实现图像的地物精确分类识别及像元波谱分解。