A left continuous triangle norm and its adjoint implication operator are based on.
Let R be a left continuous ring, then R be a left Artinian iff R satisfies left restricted finite condition iff R satisfies DCC on essential left ideals iff R satisfies ACC on essential left ideals.
(1)设R是左连续环,则R是在Artin环当且仅当R满足左限制有限条件当且仅当R关于本质左理想满足极小条件当且仅当R关于本质左理想满足极大条件,同时给出一个左自内射环是QF环的充要条件;(2)证明了左 Z1-环上的有限生成模都有 Artin-Rees性质。
Then we work out the distinguished involutions of left cells in the two-sided cells of the arBne Weyl groups of type E with a-value 4, and we prove that these left cells are all left-connected, which verify a conjecture of Lu.
We provethat all the left cells in W_(5) and W_(6)~1 are left-connected,verifying a conjecture ofLusztig in our case.