我们给院子[过道/阳台]加了顶子。 We're having the yard/passage/terrace covered in.
那老人沿着过道步履沉重地走着。 The old man thumpes noisily along the passage.
过道,走廊一个建筑物中的过道或走廊 A corridor or passageway in a building.
大门一种构造,可被摇晃、牵引或降低,从而堵塞一出口或一过道 A structure that can be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or a passageway.
店主笑了,吹了一声口哨,从窝里出来一只母狗,它沿着小店的过道跑过来,后面跟着5个小毛球。 The store owner smiled and whistled and out of the kennel came Lady, who ran down the aisle of his store followed by five teeny tiny balls of fur.