在翻地时应把肥料均匀地混入土壤中。 The manure should be well dug in.
在计算机图形学中,提供显示空间均匀覆盖面的预定扫描线图案。 In computer graphics, a predetermined pattern of lines, that provides uniform coverage of a display space.
辐散,散度一种天气状况,特征为:在气团均匀地散在某一地区上空,常伴有晴朗干燥天气 A meteorological condition characterized by the uniform expansion in volume of a mass of air over a region, usually accompanied by fair dry weather.
他的呼吸平稳而节奏均匀 The even rhythm of his breathing.
齐平地使其均匀、在一个平面上或留边排版 So as to be even, in one plane, or aligned with a margin.