

  • 学校地址:北京东城区中国中医研究院
  • 学校电话:
  • 学校性质:公办
  • 学校简介:中国中医科学院成立于1955年(原名中国中医研究院),位于北京,是国家中医药管理局直属的...
  • 教学规模:2分
  • 周边环境:1分
  • 收费合理:3分
  • 教学设备:3分
  • 教学质量:3分
  • 师资力量:1分
  • 校园环境:2分
  • 社会影响:1分
  • 校园食堂:2分


中国中医科学院成立于1955年(原名中国中医研究院),位于北京,是国家中医药管理局直属的科研、医疗、教学为一体的综合性研究机构。中国中医科学院是目前我国学科齐全、设备先进、科研力量雄厚的中医药研究机构,下设13个研究所、6所医院及研究生部、中医古籍出版社、中医杂志社等学术单位;有职工4000余人,各类专业技术人员3200多人,其中高级职称者800多人;与世界卫生组织(WHO)共同建立了临床与信息、针灸、中药三个传统医学合作中心;世界针灸学会联合会、中国中西医结合学会、中国针灸学会均设在中国中医科学院。中医药科学研究是中国中医科学院的中心任务,50年来,中国中医科学院在中医药基础理论研究和重大疾病防治及中药新药开发研究等方面取得了显著成就。截止2004年底,全院共获得科研成果近900项,其中获国家级、部局级奖近300项;现有院级以上在研课题482项,其中国家级课题200项、部局级课题258项;拥有国家新药(中药)临床试验研究中心(GCP)、国家规范化中药药理实验室、中国中医药文献检索中心和BSL-3实验室,是国家中药安全性评价中心(GLP)与中药复方药物开发国家工程研究中心建设单位。中国中医科学院充分发挥中医医疗的优势和特色,为广大患者提供良好的服务,现有病床1500多张。附属西苑医院、广安门医院是全国三级甲等中医医院和全国示范中医医院。望京医院是以骨伤科为主的综合性三级甲等中医医院,眼科医院是以中医眼科为特色的专科医院。各附属医院在肿瘤、心脑血管病、老年病、糖尿病以及肛肠、皮肤、泌尿等各科疾病及多种常见病、多发病和疑难重症的治疗方面,具有丰富的经验和独特的疗效,在国内外有较高的声誉。中国中医科学院是培养高层次中医药人才的重要基地,现有中医学、中药学、中西医结合三个一级学科所涵盖的所有学科专业的博士、硕士授予权,具有临床医学专业学位授予和在职人员申请学位的资质;设有中西医结合、中医学、中药学三个一级学科的博士后工作站。中国中医科学院图书馆是全国藏书最多的中医药专业图书馆,其中珍本、善本、孤本书籍2万余册。中国医史博物馆是我国收藏文物最多的中医专业博物馆,收藏文物3000余件。中国中医科学院主办多种全国性的中医药专业期刊,其中在国内外影响较大的有《中医杂志》、《中国中西医结合杂志》、《中国中药杂志》、《中国针灸》、《针刺研究》、《中国骨伤》、《中华医史杂志》、《中国中医药信息杂志》、《中国中医基础医学杂志》等。作为我国传统医药对外合作与交流的重要窗口,中国中医科学院与世界上100多个国家和地区的医药界、科研院所、高等院校、企业及民间团体有着广泛友好的联系与交流,在国际传统医学界有较大的影响。 Located in Beijing, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (CACMS) was established in 1955 and previously named as China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CATCM). It is a national comprehensive institution for scientific research, clinical medicine and medical education on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which is directly under the leadership of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SATCM), PRC. The president of CACMS currently in office is Prof. Cao Hongxin. At present, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences is the largest research organization on TCM throughout the country, which has all the necessary disciplines of TCM, advanced equipment and solid scientific research strength. In the Academy, there are 13 institutes, 6 hospitals, as well as the Graduate School, the Publishing House of Ancient Chinese Medical Books and the Journal of TCM, etc. The staff of CACMS, in total, is over 4,000, including 3,200 professionals in various fields. Among them, more than 900 are holding different senior professional titles. In addition, 3 WHO collaborating centers for traditional medicine have been set up through the cooperation and joint efforts between WHO and CACMS in the fields of clinical medicine and information, acupuncture and Chinese materia medica. Moreover, the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), the Chinese Association of Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine (CAIM) and the Chinese Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (CAAM) are also attached to the Academy. To carry out the scientific research on TCM is the leading mission of the Academy. Over the past 50 years, remarkable achievements have been obtained in the Academy in the fields of basic theory of TCM, prevention and treatment of prevalent diseases and R&D for new herbal medicines. By the end of 2004, nearly 900 achievements have been made, among which nearly 300 achievements have been awarded on the national and ministerial levels. Concurrently, there are 482 ongoing projects above the Academy level, including 200 projects to be supported by the national fund and 258 by the Health Ministry and the State Administration. In addition, the National Clinical Trial Center for New Herbal Medicines (GCP), the National Standardization Laboratory for Chinese Herbal Pharmacology, China Center for TCM Literature Retrieval and P3 Laboratory, the national Center for Evaluation on Safety of Herbal Medicines (GLP) and the National Development Research Center for Herbal Compound Medicine are all located in the Academy. A high quality medical service is provided in CACMS for patients both from home and abroad, on the basis of bringing the unique characteristics and features of TCM therapy into full play. There are more than 1,500 beds in total in CACMS.Xi Yuan Hospital and Guang An Men Hospital, affiliated to CACMS, are categorized as the highest level TCM hospitals and the national TCM model hospitals. Wang Jing Hospital, another affiliated hospital of CACMS, is a general hospital with the main features laid on Chinese orthopedics and traumatology. And the Eye Hospital is a specialized hospital treating eye diseases with both TCM and western therapies. All of these hospitals have gained a high reputation both at home and abroad for their abundant experiences and excellent therapeutic effects in the fields of treating various kind of diseases, such as: cardio-vascular diseases, geriatric diseases, diabetes, anorectic diseases, skin diseases and urologic diseases, etc. CACMS is also an important educational base for training senior professionals on TCM throughout the country. It has been authorized to issue master’s degrees and doctor’s degrees in all of the disciplines of TCM, which are classified into all of the 3 first-class subjects of TCM, namely, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Chinese materia medica, and the Intergrated Traditional and Western Medicine (TCM-WM). Also, it has been authorized to issue academic degrees for those working in clinical medicine and for those at their posts applying for degrees. Postdoctoral stations have been sep up in all of the 3 first-class subjects of TCM in the Academy. The library of CACMS has the largest and most extensive collection of books and journals on TCM in the country, among which over 20,000 volumes of books are rare and precious editions. The Traditional Chinese Medical History Museum in the Academy, with more than 3,000 pieces of collected historical relics, is a specialized professional museum, which contains the biggest collection of TCM relics in China. Various kinds of nationwide academic journals and periodicals on TCM are published in CACMS. “The Journal of TCM”, “The Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine”, “China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica”, “Chinese Journal of Acupuncture “, “Acupuncture Research”, “China Journal of Orthopedics and Thaumatology”, “Chinese Journal of Medical History”, “Chinese Journal Information on TCM”, and “China Journal of Basic Medicine of TCM” are some of those that exerted fairly good influence both at home and abroad. As an important window of external cooperation and exchange of TCM, extensive and friendly communications and links have been established between CACMS and the medical circles, research institutions, higher learning universities, pharmaceutical companies and non-governmental societies of more than 100 foreign countries and regions. Now, CACMS enjoys more and more popularity in the medical circle of traditional medicines throughout the world.


