Yield up, O love, thy crown and hearted throne To tyrannous hate!
爱情啊, 把你的王冠和你的心灵深处的宝座让给残暴的憎恨吧!
To resist the tyrannous treatment, the ox purposely walked more slowly instead of faster.
为了抵抗这种专横的虐待, 它故意慢慢地走而不愿快走.
BENVOLIO: Alas, that love , so gentle in his view , should be so tyrannous roughproof!
班: 唉! 想不到爱神的外表这样温柔, 实际上却是如此残暴.
"the oppressive government"
"oppressive laws"
"a tyrannical parent"
"tyrannous disregard of human rights"