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sulphate resisting Portland cement



1)sulphate resisting Portland cement,抗硫水泥2)supersulphated cement,抗硫水泥3)high sulfate-resistant cement,高抗硫水泥4)tolerance to sulfur,抗硫5)sulfur tolerance,抗硫6)sulfur resistance,抗硫7)sulfur tolerance,抗硫性8)80SS steel,80SS抗硫钢9)sulphation corrosion resistance,抗硫化10)sulfur resistance,抗硫性


Effects of acidity of the carrier on tolerance to sulfur of nickel-based catalysts for aromatic hydrogenation;


It was shown that preparation methods have remarkable influence on hydrogenation activity and tolerance to sulfur of the catalysts.

在压力1 0MPa、温度200℃、空速2 0h-1条件下用固定床连续流动微反装置进行了抗硫性评价。

Effect of nickel content on sulfur tolerance of nickel-based catalysts for aromatic hydrogenation;


Al_2O_3 matrix of nonnoble metal combustion promotor CuOCeO_2/Al_2O_3 was modified by metal oxidates, such as MgO and Fe_2O_3, for changing the matrix structure to improve the performance of sulfur resistance and sulfur transfer.

通过考察金属氧化物 ( Mg O、Fe2 O3等 )对 FCC工艺中非贵金属助燃剂 Cu O- Ce O2 /Al2 O3的 Al2 O3载体改性所引起载体结构的变化 ,研究对助燃剂抗硫、硫转移性能的影响。

The sulfur resistance performance and the sulfur absorption mechanism and ability of the modified promotor (CuO CeO 2/MgO Al 2O 3) were investigated.

通过用 M g O 对 Al2 O3 载体进行改性,考察了非贵金属复合氧化物 C O 助燃剂 Cu O Ce O2 / M g O Al2 O3 的抗硫性能、吸硫机理和吸硫能力。

Effects of promoters on thermal stability and sulfur tolerance of nickel-based aromatic hydrogenation catalysts;


Study on sulfur tolerance of Pd-Pt catalyst supported on carbon nanofibers for hydrogenation of naphthalene to tetralin;


Recent advances on increasing sulfur tolerance of metal catalysts in aromatic hydrogenation of distillate are reviewed.

介绍了在油品芳烃加氢过程中提高镍金属和贵金属催化剂抗硫性研究的进展 ,对镍催化剂 ,添加碱金属、碱土金属和其他组分 ,调节镍金属的还原度及形成镍硼合金等有一定的效果 ;对贵金属催化剂 ,铂和钯形成合金 ,改变金属的颗粒度和载体的酸碱性能及添加碱金属等常被采

H_2S/CO_2 corrosion behavior of 80SS steel under high temperature and high pressure;


6 times that of 2520 heat resistant alloy,this is excellent commercial material of sulphation corrosion resistance at high temperature.

研究了金属间化合物Ni3 Al基合金的抗氧化、抗硫化性能 。

Methanation activity and sulfur resistance of catalysts were examined.

由浸渍法和沉淀法制备了两个系列的 Ni/γ-Al2 O3甲烷化催化剂 ,应用程序升温还原( TPR)对催化剂进行了表征 ,测定了催化剂的 CO甲烷化活性及抗硫性 。

The technique of pulse microreaction was applied to study the effect of RE on catalytic activity and sulfur resistance of supported amorphous NiB/Al 2O 3 catalyst for benzene hydrogenation.

本文采用脉冲技术研究了稀土氧化物对负载型非晶态 Ni B/Al2 O3合金催化剂苯加氢活性和抗硫性能的影响。

The effect of rare earth oxide on supported amorphous NiB/Al 2O 3 alloy to benzene catalytic hydrogenation and sulfur resistance has been studied for the first time.


