In the series of his works with beauty as the theme,he exhibits his aspiration after pursuing his ideal by combining language circumstance with real and visional experiences and imagination,creating a boundless fantastic world.
Long political lyric Lament is rich in the significance of the social beauty.
It is the most important increasing stage be fore the emergence of plum singing from Nan to Tang Dynasty There are about three images in this stage the sorrow of beauty ,the character of men of letters and the sentiment of the de.
Application of Dewatered Sludge on Growth of Canna;
Removal Efficiencies of Septic Tank Effluent by Simulating Vertical-Flow Constructed Canna indica Linn Wetlands.;
The experimental results show that nitrogen can be removed more by the canna floating bed in spring than that in autumn.
Technique of extraction on the red pigment from flower of India Canna;
Floating phytoremediation system by planting Canna generalis for dual purposes of purification of piggery wastewater and nursery;
The study on the domestic wastewater treatnent with soilless cultivated Canna generalis, Iponoea aauatica, Oruza sativa and O.
采用无土栽培美人蕉、蕹菜、水稻、野生稻处理生活废水 。