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baseboard,dado,panel,wainscot,wash board



1)baseboard,dado,panel,wainscot,wash board,护壁板2)baseboard radiator,护壁板辐射器<能>3)wall protection,护壁4)retaining wall,护壁5)protective wall,护壁6)dado,护壁


The wall protection mechanism of HJ-1 composition drilling fluid in intricate stratum is analyzed.


An introduction is made on the construction process of artificial hole pile including holing, wall protection, fabrication and installation of reinforcing cage, pile core concrete grouting etc.


Through the construction of the sea wharf bridge approach piling works of Shenneng Oil Depot Project in Qinzhou, the article expounds the basic sea piling construction procedure and techniques of bore-hole wall protection by steel pipe and hole-excavation by hand.

文章通过深能钦州码头油库工程海上码头引桥桩施工的工程实例 ,阐述钢护筒护壁人工挖孔在海上基桩施工的基本工序及施工工艺 ,证实钢护筒护壁人工挖孔施工工艺 ,在地层简单的浅海场地 ,是一种行之有效且无污染、机具简单、成本低、进度快的施工方

Design and construction technique of retaining wall structure of different soil layer for hand dug pile;


Based on the characteristics of mega-thickness silt which has rich groundwater, many precipitation schemes and retaining walls were used to add piles with manual pore excavation piles,such as open caisson,and retaining walls with machine drilling,steel reinforcement cage,and consolidating soil around pile hole by strainer spray.


When the silt clay or silty sand layer is in saturation sate and under different water discharges,engineers adopt some measures to deal with the construction problems of retaining wall,such as shorting the depth of circularly digging,backfilling flexile material,using steel sleeve and curtain grouting,finally successfully solve these construction problems.


Some major settlements are: constructing ultra front hole; ultra section substitution; adding strength by small holes grouting, application of rock embeded strength, blocking up leak and protective wall; the principle of first ease and second difficulty;.


There were some innovation in construction, such as highered the upper foundation to overcome the collapse of groove hole and erected construction protective wall, as well as reinforced the foundation to make construction on special geology layer easier.


For the dado of the cast in pile pile with man made hole, a reliability model is set up based on the analysis of its bearing capacity; and a reliability design is carried out on the dado in the light of engineering example.


