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古诗词 造句大全 元素周期表

alkali consumption,alkali loss



1)alkali consumption,alkali loss,碱耗,耗碱量2)soda consumption,碱耗3)alkali consumption,碱耗4)alkaline consumption,碱耗5)acid and alkali consumption,酸碱耗6)using amount of caustic soda,烧碱耗量


Approaches to reducing soda consumption in alumina production with Mixed-Combined Process;


The effects of lime on digesting efficiency ,alkali consumption and digestion ability of the essential mineral are discussed in this paper,through the results of chemical and phase analysis of red mud digested under 2 80℃ .

本文通过 2 80℃高温溶出贵州铝土矿所得赤泥的化学分析和物相分析结果 ,讨论了石灰对氧化铝溶出率、碱耗、主要矿物的溶解性能的影响。

Alkali consumption was investigated to define coeffect between these minerals and their corresponding mixtures under three amount ratios, solid/liquid ratios, and at different temperature conditions.

6 %的 Na2 CO3溶液反应 8h、12 0 h、36 0 h;监测反应前后碱液浓度的变化 ;计算了各条件下各自的绝对碱耗量。

The results showed that:effects of four factors on desulfurization efficiency were alkalinity>temperature>tannic extract concentration=vanadium concentration,effects on alkali consumption were change with time;The change trend of evaluation index with tannic extract conce.

采用正交实验法,分别将2 h和4 h的脱硫效率及碱耗作为评价指标,考察了碱度、栲胶浓度、偏钒酸钠浓度及温度的影响。

In order to reduce acid and alkali consumption in the regeneration of ion exchange resin during water treatment, the best acid and alkali consumption is fixed through adjustment tests by countercurrent flow regeneration double-bed process in according to the requirements of water quality in the production, equipment of water treatment and process conditions.


In order to reduce using amount of caustic soda,synthesis conditions should be controlled to ensure Shore hardness (A) of product 56~58,elongation rate 650%~750%,tensile strength 10.

影响氯化聚乙烯生产中烧碱耗量的因素包括 :产品的表观密度、筛余物、邵氏硬度、伸长率、抗拉强度和原料聚乙烯的颗粒形态。

